While we assist you to offer a number of funding options, funding is never done in isolation. Our Impact Capital team works with our business support mentors to ensure that critical lessons around responsible financial management and “relationship” with money are learned – with ethics, integrity and corresponding compliance mechanisms built-into the business from the beginning. In many instances, this gives these SMMEs a head-start, as these are life lessons that set a foundation for sustainable success.
Introducing Phakamani Impact Capital
With funding such a critical contributor to scalable and sustainable growth, Phakamani Impact Capital assists SMMEs in your stakeholder communities and supply chains to apply for and access appropriate funding opportunities. This means they’re able to overcome financial constraints that could be limiting their growth and delivery.
Experience has taught us that incorporating funding into a programme upfront unlocks a different layer of possibility and opportunity. Performance barriers can be removed and the SMME is able to start delivering against its actual potential.

While we assist you to offer a number of funding options, funding is never done in isolation. Our Impact Capital team works with our business support mentors to ensure that critical lessons around responsible financial management and “relationship” with money are learned – with ethics, integrity and corresponding compliance mechanisms built-into the business from the beginning. In many instances, this gives these SMMEs a head-start, as these are life lessons that set a foundation for sustainable success.
Introducing Phakamani Impact Capital
With funding such a critical contributor to scalable and sustainable growth, Phakamani Impact Capital assists SMMEs in your stakeholder communities and supply chains to apply for and access appropriate funding opportunities. This means they’re able to overcome financial constraints that could be limiting their growth and delivery.
Experience has taught us that incorporating funding into a programme upfront unlocks a different layer of possibility and opportunity. Performance barriers can be removed and the SMME is able to start delivering against its actual potential.

A variety of funding solutions can be designed as a standalone or integrated part of your ESD programme. These include:
Grant allocation
ideal for pre-start up and start-up stage, we recommend that grants are aligned to meeting set milestones whilst on your programme
Zero interest-based loans
assist entrepreneurs who wish to expand their service offering and could benefit from Supplier Development. This loan ideally becomes available to them when they’re successfully awarded their first order or a contract with you. This interest rate will be limited to their first loan only so that, as they grow, they are prepared for market realities.
End-to-end Supply Chain Fund ESD solutions
where you define your objectives, make funds available for disbursement on a call-down basis and actively participate in investment decisions
Loans with low interest rates
awarded to SMMEs in your supply chain, this finance would again be linked to mentorship and coaching objectives. This will ensure that programme beneficiaries develop the competencies needed to apply for external sources of corporate funding in the future. (This makes business plan development and financial reporting non-negotiable elements of the supplier development plan they would have to develop to qualify for this funding.)